Monday, August 5, 2013

Sensory Obsessed..(part 1)

So I may have a slight obsession with planning sensory activities for Kenzie.  My favorite so far is a simple bowl of water - she is still too young for a lot of the fun stuff!  Since there is not a lot of 'infant' sensory activities I thought I would share what we have been doing so far.

Flour Pan.
We just did this activity today and you loved it! I simply filled a cake pan with some oat flour and a few tablespoons to dig around with.  You spent a good amount of time feeling the flour with your hands, then you went to town with the spoons!  You discovered how wonderful the spoons felt on your teething gums, and then the flour became secondary for a while.  However in the end you really enjoyed dumping the flour all over you legs and mama...

Water Bowl
Simple: water, toys or household items, towel....a solid half hour of entertainment for your little one.

Fabric Scraps Box
Fill a box with various textures from old fabric scraps and several ribbons. Kenzie was not thrilled with this one, but we will try again.

Fabric Wipes Pull
Take an old wipes box and fill it with square fabric scraps...then watch baby go to town pulling the 'wipes' out of the box.  I also did this with a re-purposed disinfectant wipes tube.  This one was not a huge hit for Kenzie, but I think she may just not be ready for it yet. However I enjoyed making the wipes box pretty...

Silver Bowl.
Take a aluminium kitchen bowl (the shallower the better) and a few balls.  Then place one ball at a time into the bowl and listen to the noises it makes.  It then becomes quite a game for baby to fish the ball out of the bowl!

 Watching you explore the first time you experience one of these activities is the absolute best.  Sometimes sitting in the same play room day after day can get pretty boring so it is nice to spice it up a little bit!

I will add to this list in the next couple of days...we have done so much more!

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