Monday, August 5, 2013

Dear Kenzie ...

We created this blog as a way to record all of our wonderful memories together.  I started this blog when you were 7 months old.  Some much has happened up until this point, let me give you a brief recap...

  • You are the happiest baby I have ever meet - seriously, we are the luckiest parents alive.  You rarely cry, you love to snuggle, you sleep like a champ - we have won the baby lottery.
  • You are about to become mobile! You currently roll both ways, sit unassisted, and fall forward to crawling position - I think our days of setting you down and walking away are numbered!
  • You have two teeth - they sprouted very early on and you now officially look like a little beaver when you grin.  You are slowly eating more and more food - you are not a huge fan of food, you prefer milk.  Your favorite foods so far are bananas and sweet potato.

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